Art allows people to express their creativity and perspectives. Technology can help people discover new worlds. And when art and technology combine it creates Art in Silico. Next week Art in Silco with the Michigan Tech Institute of Computing and Cybersystems will host the third annual three day art and technology festival.
The event encourages students, alumni, and people from around the world to get creative and use technology to create unique art. In a short time the festival has begun to attract international artists and speakers says director Tim Havens.
And creativity is a big part of what we teach our students in order to become great engineers and scientists. And so this really brings together the computing aspects that are on campus, the engineering and science aspects with art together. And it allows us to explore that union of computational art. What is art? That’s always a big question. And we’re certainly excited about the discussions that come from this and how AI plays a plays a part in the future of art and what is its role and what shouldn’t be its role. – Tim Havens, Director, Institute of Computing and Cybersystems
Much of the art created for Art in Silico comes from Michigan Technological University students. Havens says the college encourages students to keep thinking of unique ways to resolve problems. Creativity takes many forms and is not limited to how something looks.
An artist’s reception will occur on April 3rd at the Copper Country Community Arts Center before a fun evening of festivity at the Orpheum Theater.
Learn more about Art insilico online here. Tomorrow marks the deadline for art submissions for Art in Silico. Students submitting works can find more information here.